Vil du være med til at teste en ny app?

Parkinsonforeningen har været i dialog med Orbit Health, som star bag en særlig teknologisk løsning kaldet Neptune, hvor de via et smartwatch armbåndsur vil monitorere motoriske symptomer og reaktionen på medicinsk behandling. I den proces eftersøger de nu en række personer med parkinson, som kan teste deres app.

Henvendelsen fra dem er engelsk, men kan ses herunder, hvor du også finder kontaktoplysninger.

Neptune app user testing
Orbit Health has developed a solution – Neptune – which uses a smartwatch and deep learning technology to continuously monitor motor states and treatment response. The goal is to enable effective treatment personalization and ultimately help you attain optimal motor symptom control.

To support Neptune gain successful regulatory approval, it is in Orbit’s interest to make sure that people living with Parkinson’s can utilize the mobile app. Hence, they are asking for interested individuals to partake in their upcoming user testing activities.

What you can expect
We therefore would like to invite you to walk through the Neptune mobile app to try all features on your smartphone in the comfort of your own home. All you need is a smartphone (Android or Apple), an internet connection and about two to three hours of your time. There will be clear instructions to help you carry out the testing exercise.

Please note that due to regulatory constraints and requirements, no real health data will be captured and hence no smartwatch or motor state monitoring will be involved. This is simply a test for the features on the mobile app and your data will be strictly protected as your data privacy is of utmost importance to Orbit and us.

Your help is greatly valued and your contribution will help millions of people living with Parkinson’s. Orbit continues to develop Neptune and other novel solutions to benefit the Parkinson’s community.
We hope you will be interested in taking part in this meaningful exercise and we look forward to hearing from you.

Next steps
If you are interested in participating, then please reach out to For more information, please feel free to check out their website at


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